Sunday, April 24, 2016

Digital Blog #F

The first concept I will discuss is A Digital Inequality Perspective. I knew that having technology was never an equal thing because not everyone has the money to afford technology in homes. I had a friend first hand that didn't have a computer at home so she had to go to the library to do her homework. I think the government should focus more on what students need rather than equipment for war and things that wont better the future for those who actually are the future. I don't find this concept confusing in any way mostly because I knew someone who had to deal with this inequality. It's just sad that there are kids who have to work extra hard to not fall behind.

The second concept I will discuss is Cooperative Learning and Groupwork. Everyone who has been in school has been put into or has participated in a group work activity. It helps build responsibility and sportsmanship. Groupwork can sometimes be horrible because there's always that one person that becomes the leader and everyone piles everything on that person. Groupwork can be stressful, or it can be a ton of fun. I just want to know if there is a way for a group to actually work equally and put in the same effort as everyone else. Group over the internet is actually very difficult speaking from experience. Sometimes people don't respond to your messages that have to do with the assignment. I think people should be put in groups according to their personality.

The last concept I will discuss is Integrating iPads and Other Tablet Computers. I know that many schools are providing students with iPads or other tablet devices. FSW Collegiate High School hands out iPads to sophomores and the Lee County schools started giving out Google Chromebooks to students last year. Teachers can give students assignments online and the students can use their devices in class to complete these assignments. I think this is actually an amazing idea but also I think teachers should have students physically write notes down rather than type them because anyone can type without thinking, but writing uses a little more thinking. I also believe this is good because not every student can afford a computer at home so for them to be provided with a tablet device can help them and prevent them from falling behind.


Bencosme, K. (2016, April 24). Chapt 12. Retrieved April 24, 2016, from

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

T. (2010). Problem Solving Groupwork. Retrieved April 24, 2016, from

What is Cooperative Learning? (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Digital Blog Post #E

    The first concept I will discuss is Learning Assessments (Knowing What Students Have Learned). I've had several classes where we would take pre-tests and then take the same test again after the lesson to see what we learned. Teachers would also summarize what was taught and like not complete the sentences and we (us students) would have to fill in the blank of their (the teacher) sentences. I believe this is a good idea in terms that it helps teachers and students know what the student might be having trouble with. The thing about pre-tests and post-tests is that there are students that no matter how much they study or how much they know they're not good test takers. Bad test takers won't help anyone know what is being learned or not learned.

    The second concept I am going to discuss is Multimedia Technologies In Schools Today. My generation grew up using multimedia technologies in the classrooms. Teachers used PowerPoint presentations, discs with videos that went with the lessons, etc. Today technology has advanced so much and it's only been two years since I graduated high school. There are so many multimedia technologies out there to help teacher in classrooms. I want to teach first grade therefore, multimedia technologies would be a big help on how to capture the attention of the youngins in my class. The only thing about multimedia technologies that I have an issue with is that teacher may use them a lot more than they should and wont come up with their own ideas to help their students learn.

    The final concept I will discuss is Democratic Schools and Classrooms. I never attended a democratic school and only a fraction of the classes I have ever been in were democratic. Mostly the teachers that were more laid back and not as strict let students. Democratic schools and classrooms are a good idea if I'm being honest. I believe teachers and students should work together to decide what is best for the students and the school. As a teacher I will do my share of letting students vote on what learning activity they wish to practice. The only problem with this is that teachers may feel like they can ignore the students because they are children and not adults. I think that's wrong, but not all teacher value the opinions of their students.

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Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.